10 Ways Teens Can Show Respect

Many parents feel like their teens are "disrespectful."

And, a lot of times they are! They are learning how to separate from their parents and they don't always do this in the kindest way possible. :) 

However, sometimes they don't even realize that they are being disrespectful. What you might feel is common decency may not seem intuitive to your teen. We have to teach them what is respectful and what isn't in our homes and in the world at large. 

Brainstorm with your teen when neither of you are feeling emotional and see what you come up with! Here are some ideas to get you started.

10 Ways We Can Show Respect 

  1. Listen.

  2. Avoid gossiping behind someone's back.

  3. Don't rush to judgement and give others the benefit of the doubt.

  4. Avoid being disrespectful (below).

  5. Be polite (use please, thank you, etc.)

  6. Congratulate others on their achievements.

  7. Show gratitude for what other people add to your life, even if it's small.

  8. Look people in the eye.

  9. Help others when the occasion arises.

  10. Look for common ground.

10 Ways We Show Disrespect

  1. We interrupt and don't listen.

  2. We don't value someone's time.

  3. We make decisions for others or don't include them in the decision making process.

  4. We talk behind their back/gossip.

  5. We purposely exclude them.

  6. We don't honor their boundaries.

  7. We lie about them.

  8. We blame them for things that aren't their fault.

  9. We talk rudely, swear, call names, bully, etc.

  10. We make other demeaning/dismissing comments.

As you discuss this with your teen, talk about how we feel when we are respected and disrespected. You can also discuss specific things both of you are doing. Does your teen feel disrespected when you commit them to do something? Do you feel disrespected when your teen rolls their eyes? What types of behaviors are there consequences for and which ones can just be forgiven because we are all human and we all have challenging emotions?

This would be a great conversation to have with your teen during your weekly parent teen night. For more ideas plus some helpful tips, check out my new Parent Teen Night Portal in the membership area of my website.

Miguel Angel Ruiz said, "Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love." When we take the time to show respect to our teens, and to teach them how to show respect in return, we can grow closer to each other and improve our relationship.

Beau Sorensen