Choose Your Own Ending

When I was younger I used to love reading the "choose your own adventure" books. 

I loved making choices throughout the book and then seeing where I ended up. If I didn't like it, I would go back and make another choice to see what would happen with that one. Thankfully, we have this same power in our own lives today. 

We have just one more month left in 2022, friends, and it's time to choose how we want to end it. There are just 24 days left of this year and they are going to busy ones for most of us. It's easy to start thinking about 2023 and how we want to start the new year, but we still have some time left to choose how we want to end this one. 

Here are some questions you can ask yourself (or your family members) as you are thinking about closing 2022:

  1. Is there anything else you were hoping to do this year?

  2. Are there any apologies you would like to make or rifts you would like to mend?

  3. Would you like to send someone a thank you card or text?

  4. Are there any other phone calls you need to make - bills to pay, appointments to set up, etc?

  5. Is there anything fun you would like to do before the year ends?

  6. Are there any other connections you would like to make or relationships you would like to improve?

  7. Is there anything you would like to write down or journal?

  8. Is there a goal or habit you would like to take one small step toward?

  9. Are there any decisions you have been putting off making? Why?

  10. Is there anything on your to-do list that you would love to mark off and not carry into next year? What have you been "meaning" to do lately?

  11. Are there any emotions you would like to resolve?

  12. Do you need to set any boundaries?

  13. Are there any family rules you would like to adjust or discuss?

  14. Is there one holiday tradition you want to make sure you don't miss this year (or a new one you want to try)?

  15. Is there anything you need to forgive yourself for?

  16. What is something you are proud of yourself for accomplishing this year?

  17. What are some positive things you can say to yourself about this year and how you have grown/improved? I highly recommend writing them down on index cards and putting them by your bed to read every night. It really helps me improve my mood. :)

Your 2022 story is not yet complete, and you can still decide where you are going to end up. Take a few minutes this week to glance through this list and choose one or two things you can do to take back your power and choose how you want your year to end.

Beau Sorensen