Body Image Building Blocks


The way we see our bodies is complex and it changes a lot over a life time. There will be times that we feel happy and confident with the way we look, and times that we feel insecure and self-conscious. The teen years play an important part in creating the body image that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. Let’s talk about how we can build that body image in both positive and negative ways!

Picture your body image as a wall made up of hundreds of blocks. Each block is a belief, thought, or experience that you have had during your lifetime. Some will be positive and some will be negative.

Here are some examples of negative body image blocks:

  • A perfect body would get me more love and attention.

  • Skinny people are more loveable/successful.

  • I would be happier if I lost weight or looked a certain way.

  • Overweight people aren't as attractive as skinny people.

  • I would be more attractive if ____ was different (hair, teeth, smile, skin color, nose).

  • I would have more friends if I looked like ________.

Here are some examples of positive body image blocks:

  • I have many gifts and talents I can share with the world.

  • My body is an amazing tool.

  • I have the exact body I need to succeed.

  • I don't have to look perfect to be happy and successful.

  • My body looks exactly the way it's supposed to right now.

  • I am grateful for my body.

  • I am loved just the way I am.

The more positive blocks we have on our wall, the better our body image will be. As a parent, do your best to expose your teen to lots of experiences and ideas that will add positive blocks to his/her body image. You can also try to minimize their exposure to negative blocks (though they ultimately get to choose what they add).

Which of these blocks are on your wall? Are there any you would like to remove or add?

Beau Sorensen